As technology evolves, the human race devolves. Intelligence becomes less important as many intellectual challenging tasks are solved by the press of a button. We become knowledgeable in the act of pressing a button to solve an outcome and not the actual process that challenges our minds.
Another area where the human race is devolving is language. Where are manners and politeness? Is it polite to call a female a "b...."? Where are the 'sirs' and 'ma'am'? Why is it okay when kids do not know that they should respect their elders? When there are those who ignore the elderly or even injured?
With the added technology and other related items, we have become spoiled. Whatever generation we are now...generation y or something I don't know.
The American Culture is a culture where we expect instant gratification. We want it now...not tomorrow or two years, but now, this instant. When there is a problem we get frustrated and irritated when the problem isn't solved with one plan that will take the fastest amount of time and the least amount of money. This Achilles heal isn't just in the younger population, but in the so-called "baby boomers" that have been amazing and great and a wonderful generation. These baby boomers and generations right after are the ones running our government in the Senate and Congress. They are guilty of this instant gratification that everyone in America assumes is their right to have.
The latest example of this flaw in our culture is the recent health care bill because it attempts to solve the huge problem that there is in health care with one fell swoop. That is not going to happen. This issue of health care is going to need smaller changes over a longer period of time. This health care bill that Obama proclaims as what is needed and will "save" America is baloney and a just a worthless piece of paper that is going to harm more than help. This instant gratification that is in our culture is harming more than helping.
We need to relearn that we have to crawl before you walk and walk before you run.
We need to look back and realize that those that became before us especially the founding fathers understood this statement. Technology does not make us smarter than those a hundred years ago. It just allows tasks that occurred a hundred years ago to go faster and I guess this is where instant gratification took hold in our culture.
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