Saturday, March 12, 2011

The World

The World
Why is it so hard to live in as a believer in Christ? because we are not of this world. We are "only visiting this planet" as Larry Norman would say. Just visiting, that's it, not from here, did originate here, just visiting. I have been sheltered just a little bit in my Christian bubble, most of the friends are Christians, same beliefs, but once again I was exposed to the world and I guess you could say I didn't like it....I was uncomfortable, bored, a little shocked at some of depraved language and conversations going on.

In a world, where absolute truth is irrelevant, where there is no black&white, but lots and lots of gray, where each person decides what is right based on what they feel, where there is morality only when it fits in with their individual lives.

Just yesterday I read a verse:

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33b

So I guess God was telling me yesterday, to take heart, because Jesus has already overcome the world!

I will leave you with this video:

1 comment:

  1. I like this post :)

    Here is a link to the song I was talking about:
