Thursday, January 20, 2011


I am at a crossroads, standing in the middle of the road and ahead of me are two paths. One is a uphill path and the other is a downhill path. I have a choice and at this moment I am contemplating my decision. Although it should be an easy one, the choices weigh heavy on my heart. I feel as a rope in a game of tug-of-war being pulled back and forth. Each side is one of these paths and at the moment I feel the downhill path is winning. Freedom has never felt so real to me and so important yet such a struggle to achieve. There is a battle going on and I need to equip myself with the tools to win such a battle and at the moment I am only hurting my chances to win.

As I began this post I was held in indecision, but I have realized the path I am going to take. I have taken the downhill path four times and see where that has led me time and time again. So the answer is quite clear that the uphill path is the path I must take. There are no more choices left and if I am going to reach freedom, I must tighten up my buckle and gather all my protection and weapons (Ephesians 6) and fight. I must. No more excuses, no more promises, and no more lies. The decision is right there in front of me and I have to make a decision. I must, this is my life I am talking about and there is only one chance to live this life. The time is now.

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