Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cast Aside

lack of hope and faith breaks my heart

rejection, abjection, and corruption of this world

those cast aside because they are weak

those cast aside because they are unclean

those cast aside because they are unworthy

those cast aside because they are broken

those cast aside because they are deemed a worthless cause

being ignored and at times ridiculed by those who call themselves righteous

the hearts of those cast aside are the most open to the truth

they desire to be strong, clean, worthy, put together, and a cause worth fighting for

give a care, get your hands dirty in the work that God deems holy and true

perfection is found in living your life following Christ

He did not stand on the corner like the pharisees praying so all can see

He went into the darkest places on earth and brought light

the stories of old are those who were in the darkest places in their lives

brought to the light because of the one we call the Messiah

We are all broken in some way,

searching for a way to piece ourselves together

but we fail time and time again,

tripping over our pride

We have all experienced our own hells,

where we feel like we are drowning,

the only one that can save us,

willingly gave his life for us,

loves us unconditionally,

looks at the condition of our heart,

that hears our every cry,

He has won the battle,

and is merely asking for our acceptance

that he is the victor over death

that he has defeated the morning star

He waits patiently until you let him in

and accept the gift of life

we are all dead without him

but with his grace and mercy

we shall live forever in his glory



Lead me and I will follow

For my life has been full of sorrow

Every hellish mile

has been replaced with a smile

That is alone from you

The one who is holy and true

Your angels protect my heart

the evil one's plans ever thwart

Weakness is all I own

But you give your Strength you've shown

I Love you, my Lord, my God